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  1. a. National President: The National President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control all of the business affairs of the Association. The National President shall serve as Chairperson of the National Board of Directors, National Board of Directors Executive Committee, Council of Presidents and the Meeting of the Members. He/she shall make all required appointments of standing and special committees with the approval of the National BOD. He/she may sign, with the secretary or any other proper officer of the Association authorized by the National BOD, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the National BOD has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution there of shall be expressly delegated by the National BOD; by the Association by laws, other manual, or by statute to some other officer or agent of the Association; and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of president and such other duties as, from time to time, may be prescribed by the National BOD. The authority of the president shall be that requisite to the proper performance of the office and the duties stated herein.
  2. b. National Vice President: In the absence of the National President or in the event of their inability or refusal to act, the Vice President (or in the event there be more than one elected Vice President, the Vice Presidents in the order of their election) shall perform the duties of the National President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers and authority of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the National President. In addition to the Vice President duties as assistant to the National President and such other duties as provided elsewhere in the Association bylaws, other manuals, or by statute the Vice President shall perform such other duties as, from time to time, may be assigned to him/her by the National President or by the National BOD. The authority of the Vice President shall be that requisite to the proper performance of the office and the duties stated herein:
  3. c. National Secretary: The Secretary shall assist the National President in conducting the official business of the Association in such a manner as the National President may require, and in the performance of the duties as Secretary shall, in addition to such other duties as provided elsewhere in this manual:
    1. (1) Ensure that a record is prepared and maintained of minutes of meetings of the members, the Council of Presidents, the National Board of Directors Executive Committee, and the National Board of Directors of the Association.
    2. (2) Ensure necessary adequate notification is provided to the members, Council of Presidents, and National Board of Directors of time and place for all scheduled meetings.
    3. (3) Ensure complete files of the affairs of the Association are maintained, including all official correspondence.
    4. (4) Ensure that a file is maintained for each member of the Association, including the most recent address furnished by the member.
    5. (5) In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties, as from time to time, may be assigned to him/her by the National President or the National BOD.
    6. (6) The authority of the Secretary shall be that requisite to the proper performance of the office and duties stated herein.
  4. d. National Treasurer: The Treasurer shall institute and maintain proper and accurate fiscal records of the Association, and in this connection shall, in addition to such other duties as provided else wherein this manual:
    1. (1) The National Treasurer shall work in conjunction with the USAWOA Bookkeeper performance of said duties.
    2. (2) Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the Association.
    3. (3) Account for all monies received, receive and give receipts, from whatever source and deposit them in insured banks and/or trust companies or invest them for the credit of the Association as directed by the National BOD.
    4. (4) Prepare all drafts and checks against funds of the Association.
    5. (5) Keep records posted to date and available for review by any member or audit at all times.
    6. (6) Render a monthly report to the National BOD regarding the financial status of the Association.
    7. (7) In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the National President or the National BOD.
    8. (8) The authority of the Treasurer shall be that requisite to the proper performance of the office and duties stated herein.
    9. (9) Assistant Treasurers may be appointed by the National Board of Directors, under the provisions of BYLAW VI, Section 2. While these assistant treasurers may be granted the authority to assist and/or perform any of the above listed functions, the responsibility for the function(s) remains with the Treasurer.
  5. e. National Executive Director: The Executive Director shall be the administrative director of the Association and staff and shall assist the national officials in conducting the official business of the Association and as such be responsible for:
    1. (1) Assisting in the formulation of USAWOA policies.
    2. (2) Representing the USAWOA in relations with representatives of the U.S. Government and its various branches, departments, and agencies. Such agencies may include, but are not limited to, The White House, The U. S. Congress, The Department of Defense, and Headquarters, Department of the Army.
    3. (3) Representing the USAWOA as a member of The Military Coalition (TMC) Capitol Hill Exchange Club, and other organizations as directed by the National BOD of the Association..
    4. (4) Contributing a monthly article as Executive Director, to the NEWSLINER.
    5. (5) Hiring and daily supervision of other salaried or hourly wage employees and administering the daily activities of the National Headquarters.
    6. (6) Acting as the Staff Liaison Representative on all established committees until enlargement of USAWOA staff permits delegation of these functions to other staff members.
    7. (7) Representing the USAWOA through the presentation of "command" briefings and participation in other Association activities on a worldwide basis.
    8. (8) Attending Executive Committee meetings as ex-officio member.
    9. (9) Preparing, keeping current and distributing to all National Officers, Region, and Chapter Presidents appropriate USAWOA briefing materials in hard copy or electronically if applicable. All briefing material will be approved by the EXCOM
  6. f. Headquarters Staff: Members of the staff, except the Executive Director, shall not initiate any dealings except pursuant to their assigned duties or as otherwise specifically authorized by the Executive Director. Conversely, members of the National BOD shall not request services or data from such members of the staff except when authorized by the National President. Nothing herein, shall preclude direct contact between members of the National BOD and the Executive Director, or vice versa, or the submission of routine requests similar to those that may be made by members not holding National Office.
  7. g. Restrictions on Policy Matters: Discussion of proposed policy matters is healthy and encouraged among the members and Association leadership. However, to insure that the Association presents only approved policy, all members, elected and appointed officials, and members of the headquarters staff, will refrain from presenting Association “position” or “policy” until such policy is formally approved by the National BOD. Exception is granted only to the National President and/or Executive Director who, for the sake of expediency, may have to develop and present an “official Association position” on a time-sensitive matter. In these instances, the BOD Executive Committee at the next meeting (or by other means) will be advised of the circumstances and position(s) taken.